Koi Fish Tattoos And León
Koi Fish Tattoos - have a look. So you've made all the important decision to get a tattoo done you.Koi Fish and Lion Tattoos Once you have made this decision in the next step is to decide on a tattoo design that you want to get done. The range and variety of tattoo designs is infinite, and may be limited only by your imagination and creativity.
Koi fish tattoos are one of the most popular and most favorite tattoo designs.
So what is a koi fish? A koi fish is a big fish and belongs to the carp family. The orange and red koi fish is often confused with a large golden fish. Koi fish are normally found in red, orange, black, blue and white colors. Koi fish can reach up to three meters in length, provided that they obtain food, environment and space to get so big.
The Japanese have great respect and love for Koi fish. Koi fish are high and valuable by the Japanese for over a thousand years because of their beauty.
Tattoos to be beautiful as it is. But her beauty increases if you have multiple meanings or a story to tell others about your tattoo. Koi fish tattoo design to large and follows what some meanings of some symbols and koi:
- The promotion, improvement and ambition
- The courage to overcome all the challenges of life
- To symbolize the determination and resilience at key stages of life
- Good luck in everything you do
- Independence and freedom from slavery
- The strength to endure and stand the test of time
- Strength of character and unique identity Read the rest of this entry »

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